South Bačka, Serbia Weather
Current: 33.15°C/91.67°F, Wind SW at 19.15 km/h, 27% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- South Bačka, Serbia Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in South Bačka over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in South Bačka in the coming days
- Rainfall in South Bačka in the coming days
- South Bačka Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- South Bačka's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Few Clouds
Pressure: 1,014 hPa
Sea level: 1,014 hPa
Temperature: 31.78°C
Cloud: 18%
Humidity: 27%
Wind: SE 18.65 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 22.96°C
- Average low 14.17°C
- Hottest day (08 September 2024) 29.2°C
- Coldest day (30 September 2024) 5.35°C
- Average humidity 52.83%
- Days with precipitation 8 days
- Highest precipitation 65.1 mm (14 September 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 35°C
- Min: 19°C
- Total Precipitation: 0 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in South Bačka over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in South Bačka in the coming days
Rainfall in South Bačka in the coming days
South Bačka Climate Summary
South Bačka features a Marine west coast, warm summer (Köppen classification: Cfb), with an average annual temperature of 14.45ºC (58.01ºF), which is about 1.2% higher than the national average for Serbia. Annually, the city experiences approximately 74.31 millimeters (2.93 inches) of rainfall, spread across 129.36 rainy days, accounting for 35.44% of the year.
Longitude | 45.4890344 |
Latitude | 19.6976187 |
Yearly high temperature | 17.44ºC (63.39ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 8.91ºC (48.04ºF) |
Hottest month | August 30.61ºC (87.1ºF) |
Coldest month | February 0.52ºC (32.94ºF) |
Yearly precip | 74.31mm (2.93in) |
Days with rainfall | 129.36 days (35.44%) |
Driest month | August (54.13%) |
Wettest month | May (68.62%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 3.66° / -0.96° | 11.09 days |
February | 6.38° / 0.52° | 12.09 days |
March | 12.48° / 4.65° | 11.45 days |
April | 18.39° / 8.69° | 11.0 days |
May | 22.07° / 12.08° | 15.55 days |
June | 26.45° / 15.81° | 14.73 days |
July | 28.97° / 16.96° | 10.36 days |
August | 30.61° / 17.78° | 8.18 days |
September | 24.71° / 14.47° | 9.0 days |
October | 17.97° / 10.08° | 8.82 days |
November | 12.05° / 6.0° | 7.82 days |
December | 5.53° / 0.81° | 9.27 days |
South Bačka's weather
- Backi Jarak
- Backo Dobro Polje
- Begec
- Cerevic
- Donji Panjik
- Gardinovci
- Gornji Kovilj
- Kac
- Karadordevo
- Kucura
- Mali Bac
- Mali Sarak
- Petrovaradin
- Radicevic
- Sinkerek
- Starobecejski Sor
- Stepanovicevo
- Vilovo
- Novi Sad
- Sakotinac
- Backo Gradiste
- Bodani
- Temerin
- Nestin
- Bac
- Mladenovo
- Berava
- Kovilj
- Glozan
- Cenej
- Sajkas
- Kisac
- Budisava
- Ziva
- Gajdobra
- Gospodinci
- Backa Palanka
- Labudnjaca
- Celarevo
- Backo Petrovo Selo
- Beocin
- Svilos
- Susek
- Zabalj
- Curug
- Rumenka
- Obrovac
- Lok
- Sremska Kamenica
- Backi Petrovac
- Tovarisevo
- Plavna
- Staro Durdevo
- Drljan
- Savino Selo
- Nova Gajdobra
- Pivnice
- Mosorin
- Stara Pustara
- Vizic
- Milesevo
- Becej
- Silbas
- Backo novo Selo
- Banostor
- Despotovo
- Donji Kovilj
- Futog
- Gornji Majur
- Kulpin
- Maglic
- Nadalj
- Parage
- Pasuljiste
- Petkovac
- Poljanice
- Ravno Selo
- Selenca
- Sirig
- Srbobran
- Sremski Karlovci
- Stari Slankamen
- Vajska
- Veternik
- Vrbas
- Zmajevo
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in South Bačka?
August has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 30.61ºC) and February are the coolest (daily mean of 0.52ºC).
2. What should I wear in South Bačka today?
For today's very hot weather in South Bačka, with the high temperatures above 33ºC (91.4ºF), consider wearing:
- Sleeveless tops or vests
- Airy sandals or flip-flops
- Light, natural fabrics (like cotton or linen)
- High SPF sunscreen for outdoor activities
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Acceptable air quality, some pollutants present, minor health concerns for sensitive individuals
- CO 260.35
- NH3 2.88
- NO 0
- NO2 4.97
- O3 82.25
- PM10 13.73
- PM25 12.11
- SO2 6.56